Pieter Huybrechts
Author of 4 CRAN packages
Pieter Huybrechts has completed 4 packages, and it looks like they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for more! Pieter Huybrechts has collaborated with a whopping 23 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
4 Packages
- Adriaan M. Dokter
- Peter Desmet
- Bart Kranstauber
- Cecilia Nilsson
- Stijn Van Hoey
- Bart Hoekstra
- Hidde Leijnse
- Nicolas Noé
- Raphaël Nussbaumer
- Jurriaan Spaaks
- Alexander Tedeschi
- Lourens Veen
- Liesbeth Verlinden
- Sanne Govaert
- Damiano Oldoni
- Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
- LifeWatch Belgium
- João Martins
- Beatriz Milz
- Kyle Husmann
- Roger Bivand
- Sebastian Luque
- Greg Pelletier